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MS PowerPoint: Working with Multimedia


·         Working with Multimedia

·         PPT - Add Pictures to Slide

·         PPT - Editing Added Pictures

·         PPT - Format Added Pictures

·         PPT - Inserting a Screenshot

·         PPT - Adding Shapes to Slide

·         PPT - Editing Added Shapes

·         PPT - Format Added Shapes

·         PPT - Adding Text to Shapes

·         PPT - Arrange Shapes/Images

·         PPT - Group/Ungroup Objects

·         PPT - Adding Audio & Video

·         PPT - Add & Format Tables

·         PPT - Add & Format Charts

·         PPT - Add & Format SmartArt

·         PPT - Add & Preview Animations

PPT - Add & Preview Transitions

Add Pictures to Slide in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports multiple content types including images or pictures. With regards to pictures PowerPoint classifies them into two categories −

·         Picture − Images and photos that are available on your computer or hard drive

·         Clip Art − Online picture collection that you can search from the clip art sidebar

Although their sources are different, both these types can be added and edited in similar fashion. Given below are the steps to add picture to a slide.

Step 1 − Go to the Images group in the Insert ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on Picture to open the Insert Picture dialog and add a picture to the slide.

Step 3 − In this dialog, you have three sections: to the left corner, you have folders that can be browsed, the section in the center shows the subfolders and files in the selected folder and to the right, you can have a preview of the selected image.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Select the image you want and click Open to add the picture to the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − To add online pictures, click on Clip Art and search for keywords in the Clip Art sidebar.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − Once you have the clipart you want to use, double-click on the image to add it to the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Editing Added Pictures in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports images or pictures as content and offers some standard image editing features. The picture editing features in PowerPoint can be accessed from the Format ribbon once the picture is selected. The editing features are grouped under the Adjust and Picture Styles section in the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Image Adjustments

The following table describes various picture adjustment features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Remove Background

Automatically removes the unwanted sections in the image. This is similar to the magic tool in some of the other photo editing programs. You can click on different regions on the image to define the area to be removed.



Allows you to change the brightness and contrast on the image and also change the image sharpness.



Allows you to change the color on the image by changing the saturation or tone. You can also make the image monochromatic based on different hues to match the theme of your presentation.


Artistic Effects

Adds artistic effects to the image like plastic wrap, glowing edges, etc.


Compress Picture

This can change the image resolution to manage the file size.


Change Picture

Replaces the current picture with a different one.


Reset Picture

Removes all the adjustments done on the image.

Picture Styles

The following table describes various picture style features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Picture Border

Manages the picture border - color, weight and style.


Picture Effects

Adds effects to the picture like reflection, shadow, etc.


Convert to SmartArt Graphic

Transforms the picture into the selected SmartArt.


Quick Styles

Pre-defined styles with different picture borders and effects.

Format Added Pictures in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint offers many image formatting features that can help shape the image to suit your needs. The picture formatting features in PowerPoint can be accessed from the Format ribbon once the picture is selected. The formatting features are grouped under the Arrange and Size section in the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Picture Arrangement Features

The following table describes various picture arrangement features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Bring Forward

Moves the picture layer up. Bring Forward moves the picture up by one layer, Bring to Front makes the picture layer the topmost


Send Backward

Moves the picture layer down. Send Backward moves the picture down by one layer, Send to Back makes the picture layer the bottommost


Selection Pane

This opens up the Selection Pane sidebar where you get a better idea of the layers and can work with arrangements better.



Aligns the picture with various references in the slide.



Allows multiple images to be grouped together to create on single object or ungroup them to split them into individual pictures.



Rotate picture by a specific angle.

Picture Sizing Features

The following table describes various picture sizing features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description



Allows you to crop the image. The cropping can be freehand, based on aspect ratio or any of the predefined shapes.


Shape Height/ Width

Used to change the height and width of the image. When you edit these parameters from the ribbon, the aspect ratio is always maintained.

Inserting a Screenshot in Powerpoint 2010

One of the interesting features about PowerPoint is that you can insert a screenshot of one of your applications into your presentation without having to use any other program. Given below are the steps to insert a screenshot.

Step 1 − Go to the Images group in the Insert Ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the Screenshot dropdown to look at full screen snaps of all the applications running on your computer’s desktop.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select one of the screenshots to add it directly on to your presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − If you do not want the entire screen and just a portion of it, you can use the Screen Clipping option.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The Screen Clipping option will automatically move the focus to the program immediately below PowerPoint. So while using this option, ensure that you have the right screen behind the PowerPoint program.

Adding Shapes to Slide in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports the addition of shapes in presentations. It also includes Shapes like basic geometric shapes, flowchart components, arrows, callouts, lines and other predefined special shapes. These shapes also double up as text boxes as they support adding text to them directly. Besides, you can also use these shape to crop pictures to shape.

Given below are the steps to add a shape in PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Go to the Illustrations group under the Insert Tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the Shapes dropdown to view the available shapes.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select the shape you want to insert. This will change the cursor to a + sign.

Step 4 − Click and drag on the slide to create the shape. As you drag, the shape will show up on the slide. Continue to drag and adjust the size and the symmetry of the shape.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Editing Added Shapes in Powerpoint 2010

Just like images and pictures, PowerPoint also supports editing of shapes inserted in the presentation. The shape editing features in PowerPoint can be accessed from the Format ribbon once the shape is selected. The editing features are grouped under the Insert Shapes and the Shape Styles section in the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Insert Shape Features

The table below describes various insert shape features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Shape List

Adds another shape to the slide.


Edit Shape

Replaces the shape completely, or use the edit points to change the existing shape.


Text Box

Inserts a text box anywhere in the slide.

Shape Styles Features

The table below describes various shape style features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Shape Fill

Selects the shape fill color and style. You can add a single solid color from the palette, or a picture, gradient or texture.


Shape Outline

Selects the shape border color, thickness and style.


Shape Effects

Adds special effects to the shape like reflection, 3D rotation, bevel, shadow, etc.


Predefined Styles

These are a combination of the style features that can be applied to the shape with a single click.

Format Added Shapes in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint offers formatting features for shapes along the same lines as pictures. This consistency in the features makes it easy for people to grasp the functionality and also makes PowerPoint very versatile. The shape formatting features in PowerPoint can be accessed from the Format ribbon once the shape is selected. The formatting features are grouped under the Arrange and Size section in the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Shape Arrangement Features

The table given below describes the various shape arrangement features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Bring Forward

Moves the shape layer up. Bring Forward moves the shape up by one layer, Bring to Front makes the shape layer the topmost.


Send Backward

Moves the shape layer down. Send Backward moves the shape down by one layer, Send to Back makes the shape layer the bottommost.


Selection Pane

This opens up the Selection Pane sidebar where you get a better idea of the layers and can work with arrangements better.



Aligns the shape with various references in the slide.



Allows multiple shapes to be grouped together to create on single object or ungroup them to split them into individual shapes.



Rotates shape by a specific angle.

Shape Sizing Features

The table given below describes various shape sizing features available in PowerPoint.


Feature & Description


Shape Height/ Width

Used to change the height and width of the shape. When you edit these parameters from the ribbon, the aspect ratio is always maintained

Adding Text to Shapes in Powerpoint 2010

One of the great aspects of PowerPoint is that you can treat the shapes as text boxes too. This becomes useful when you want to type some text within a shape and ensure the text does not overflow the boundaries of the shape. By being able to enter text within the shape, PowerPoint will ensure the text stays contained and you do not have to worry about fixing it.

The following steps will help you add text to the shapes in PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Right-click on the shape to which you want to add the text and select the Edit Text option.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Start typing the text into the shape. Once you are done, click the cursor anywhere outside the shape.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

An alternative way of adding text to shape is to select the shape and start typing directly. Once you have the text within the shape you can format the text using the font related features available in PowerPoint.

Arrange Shapes/Images in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports multiple content types and invariably different contents coexist in a slide. While it is ideal to have each content standout separately, there are times when you cannot do that or when overlapping of content is desirable. In such cases, it is important that you can determine which content stays on top of which one.

PowerPoint has arrangement features to help achieve this goal. While working with arrangement features, you must think of each content as a separate layer and that these layers are laid over one another. To arrange the content, you must basically play with these layers.

The following steps will help you arrange content in a presentation slide.

Step 1 − Select one of the contents and go the Arrange group under the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the Selection Pane to open the Selection and Visibility sidebar.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select one of the rows in the sidebar to highlight the corresponding content in the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Use the reordering arrows in the sidebar to move the content layer up or down.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Click on the eye next to each content in the sidebar to toggle its visibility on the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Instead of using the Selection Pane option, you can also right-click on the content to move it up or down. When you right-click, besides moving the layers by one step at a time using Bring Forward or Send Backward, you can also move the content directly to the top or bottom using Bring to Front or Send to Back respectively.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Group/Ungroup Objects in Powerpoint 2010

While working with PowerPoint, you might need to carry out a set of actions on a bunch of objects. PowerPoint allows you to group objects within a slide and apply the same action on all the objects simultaneously. This feature in PowerPoint is called grouping.

The following steps will help you group and ungroup objects −

Step 1 − Select a set of shapes or objects together. To select the objects, press the Ctrl key and select each object individually. If the objects are together, you can also click and drag the cursor to select them; however with the click and drag everything that falls within the selected area will be selected.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Go to the Arrange Group under the Format ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Click on Group under the Group menu item - this will group the objects and shapes into a single object.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Apply the common changes you want to make to these objects.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Even though the objects are grouped, you can still edit them individually if need be.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − If you want to edit the shapes or objects individually, go back to the Group menu item and select Ungroup.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 7 − After making changes, if you want to regroup the objects as per original grouping, you select one of the objects and use the Regroup option under the Group menu.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Adding Audio & Video in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports multimedia in the slides. You can add audio or video clips to the slides which can be played during the presentation.

The following steps will help you add audio or video file to the slides.

Step 1 − Go to the Media group under the Insert ribbon

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − To insert video file select Video as media type and Video from File to insert a video from your computer or hard drive.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − In the Insert Video dialog, browse for a video file and click Insert.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − You will now see that a Video file is added to the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − To insert audio file select Audio as media type and Audio from File to insert an Audio from your computer or hard drive.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − In the Insert Audio dialog, browse for an audio file and click Insert.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 7 − You will now see that an Audio file is added to the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Add & Format Tables Powerpoint 2010

One of the most powerful data representation techniques is the use of tables. Table allows information to be segregated making it easy to read. PowerPoint has features that let you add tables in slides and also format them to enhance their visual effects. What's more, these tables are also compatible with Microsoft Excel, so you can basically take a spreadsheet or a section of a spreadsheet and paste it into a slide as a table.

The following steps will help you add a table in PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Go to the Tables group under the Insert ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the dropdown and select your table dimension from the matrix.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − If you require more than 10 columns or 8 rows click on "Insert Table" to open the Insert Table dialog where you can specify the column and row count.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

PowerPoint table is a simple table that does not support the mathematical features of an Excel spreadsheet. If you want to carry out some calculations, you can insert an Excel spreadsheet instead of a regular table.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

This will insert the spreadsheet in the slide and as long as the spreadsheet is selected, the ribbon at the top will be changed to an Excel ribbon instead of a PowerPoint one.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The PowerPoint table formatting features have been grouped under two ribbons: Design and Format. The sections below discuss the features under each ribbon. To access these ribbons, you must select the table first.

Table Design Features

We will now understand the table design features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table shows the different table design features −


Sub Features


Table Style Options

Header Row

Adds a different shade to the first row to distinguish it.

Total Row

Adds a different shade to the last row to distinguish it.

Banded Rows

Shades alternate rows in the table with the same color.

First Column

Adds a different shade to the first column to distinguish it.

Last Column

Adds a different shade to the last row to distinguish it.

Banded Columns

Shades alternate columns in the table with the same color.

Table Styles


Offers different shades to be added to selected table/ row/ column/ cell. You can pick from solid shade, texture, image or gradient shading.


Offers different border options for the table. You can edit the border color, thickness and style


Offers the ability to create table shadow or reflection. You can also create bevels for individual cells.

Word Art Styles

Text Fill

Allows you to change the color of the text within the table.

Text Outline

Allows you to add an outline to the text within the table and change the outline color, weight and style.

Text Effects

Allows you to add special effects (like reflection, shadow etc.) to the text within the table.

Quick Styles

Contains a list of pre-defined Word Art styles that can be applied to the selected text within the table with a single click.

Draw Borders

Pen Style

Defines the style of the table border when you draw it.

Pen Weight

Defines the thickness of the table border when you draw it.

Pen Color

Defines the color of the table border when you draw it.

Draw Table

Allows you to append new rows, columns, cells to existing table, split existing rows, columns or cells and draw brand new tables.


Allows you to delete table borders and merge cells, rows or columns.

Table Format Features

We will now understand the various table format features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table shows the various table format features −


Sub Features




Allows you to select the entire table or the row(s) or column(s) depending on the position of your cursor.

View Gridlines

Toggles the gridline display within the table.

Rows & Columns


Allows you to delete selected row(s) or column(s) or the entire table.

Insert Above

Inserts a row above the row where the cursor is currently. If you haven't placed the cursor within the table, it adds a new row at the top of the table.

Insert Below

Inserts a row below the row where the cursor is currently. If you haven't placed the cursor within the table, it adds a new row at the bottom of the table.

Insert Left

Inserts a column to the left of the column where the cursor is currently. If you haven't placed the cursor within the table, it adds a new column to the left of the table.

Insert Right

Inserts a column to the right of the column where the cursor is currently. If you haven't placed the cursor within the table, it adds a new column to the right of the table.



Allows you to merge cells, rows or columns. This is enabled only if you have selected more than one cell, row or column.

Split Cells

Allows you to specify the number of rows and columns into which the current section of cell(s) need to be split.

Cell Size

Height/ Width

Defines the height and width of the selected cell. Usually if you change these aspects for a single cell, the change affects the entire row or column too.

Distribute Rows

Equalizes the height of all the rows to fit the current table height.

Distribute Columns

Equalizes the width of all the columns to fit the current table width.


Horizontal Alignment

Allows you to align the selected text to the left, right or center of the cell.

Vertical Alignment

Allows you to align the selected text to the top, bottom or middle of the cell.

Text Direction

Allows you to change the direction of the selected text within the cells.

Cell Margins

Allows you to define the margins within the cell.

Table Size


Allows you to adjust the table height - it retains the relative heights of the individual rows while changing the overall table height.


Allows you to adjust the table width - it retains the relative widths of the individual columns while changing the overall table width.

Lock Aspect Ratio

Checking this box will ensure the ratio between the table height and width is maintained when one of these is changed.


Bring Forward

Allows you to move the table up by one layer or right to the top.

Send Backward

Allows you to move the table down by one layer or right to the bottom of the slide.

Selection Pane

Toggles the Selection and Visibility sidebar.


Allows you to align the entire table with reference to the slide.

Add & Format Charts in Powerpoint 2010

Charts are an effective way of representing data. Long list of confusing numbers can instantly become trends which can be spotted when they are captured as charts. PowerPoint supports the addition and formatting of charts.

Given below are the steps to add a chart to PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Go to the Illustrations group under the Insert ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the Chart option to open the Insert Chart dialog. You can choose the chart category and pick individual chart types from the list.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select the chart type and click OK or double-click on the chart type to insert the chart in the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Along with the chart, an Excel spreadsheet is also launched. This spreadsheet is the source for your chart. You can change the category names, series names and individual values to suit your needs.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

As you edit the values and the table in Excel the chart gets modified accordingly.

The PowerPoint chart formatting features have been grouped under three ribbons: DesignLayout and Format. The sections below discuss the features under each ribbon. To access these ribbons you must select the chart first.

Chart Design Features

We will now understand the various chart design features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The table given below describes the various chart design features −


Sub Features



Change Chart Type

Changes the chart type retaining the same data.

Save As Template

Saves current chart type as a template.


Switch Row/Column

Transposes current excel data - this is enabled when you have the source data excel sheet open.

Select Data

Changes the data range covered in the chart.

Edit Data

Changes the chart source data.

Refresh Data

Refreshes the chart to show the latest data.

Chart Layouts

Chart Layouts

Offers a list of predefined layouts which can be instantly applied to current chart with a single click.

Chart Styles

Chart Styles

Offers a list of predefined styles which can be instantly applied to current chart with a single click.

Chart Layout Features

We will now understand the various chart layout features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table describes the various chart layout features in PowerPoint.


Sub Features


Current Selection

Drop down

Shows the currently selected chart element.

Format Selection

Shows the selection format dialog to update the selection.

Reset to Match Style

Discards all the chart customizations and matches the chart with the overall presentation theme.



Superimposes an image on top of the chart.


Adds a shape to the slide.

Text Box

Adds a text box to the slide.


Chart Title

Defines the visibility, position and style of the chart title.

Axis Titles

Defines the visibility, position and style of the axis titles.


Defines the visibility and position of the chart legend.

Data Labels

Defines the visibility and position of the data labels.

Data Table

Defines the visibility, position and format of the data table.



Defines the position and scale of axes.


Defines the visibility and scale of axes.


Plot Area

Toggles chart plot area - available only for 2D charts.

Chart Wall

Toggles the chart wall - available only for 3D charts.

Chart Floor

Toggles the chart floor - available only for 3D charts.

3-D Rotation

Toggles the chart 3D rotation- available only for 3D charts.

Chart Format Features

We will now understand the various chart format features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table describes the various chart format features in PowerPoint.


Sub Features


Current Selection

Drop down

Shows the currently selected chart element.

Format Selection

Shows the selection format dialog to update the selection.

Reset to Match Style

Discards all the chart customizations and matches the chart with the overall presentation theme.

Shape Styles

Shape Fill

Offers different shades to be added to selected chart series item. You can pick from solid shade, texture, image or gradient shading.


Offers different border options for selected chart series item. You can edit the border color, thickness and style.


Offers the ability to add special effects to selected chart series item.

Word Art Styles

Text Fill

Allows you to change the color of the text within the chart.

Text Outline

Allows you to add an outline to the text within the chart and change the outline color, weight and style.

Text Effects

Allows you to add special effects (like reflection, shadow etc.) to the text within the chart.

Quick Styles

Contains a list of pre-defined Word Art styles that can be applied to the selected text within the chart with a single click.


Bring Forward

Allows you to move the chart up by one layer or right to the top.

Send Backward

Allows you to move the chart down by one layer or right to the bottom of the slide.

Selection Pane

Toggles the Selection and Visibility sidebar.


Allows you to align the entire chart with reference to the slide.


Allows you to group multiple charts as one group object, or split a group object into individual charts.



Allows you to adjust the chart height.


Allows you to adjust the chart width.

Add & Format SmartArt in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint offers a unique feature called SmartArt which allows users to add text to predefined art designs. The advantage with SmartArt is that although each component of the SmartArt can be edited individually, you can also modify the SmartArt as a whole while retaining the settings on each individual component.

The following steps will help you add a SmartArt to PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Go to the Illustrations group under the Insert ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on the SmartArt command to open the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog. You can choose the SmartArt category and pick individual SmartArt types from the list. You also get a preview and a short description of the graphic in the preview section.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select the SmartArt type and click OK or double-click on the SmartArt type to insert the graphic in the slide.

Step 4 − The graphic is inserted in the slide along with a text pane where you can enter/ modify the SmartArt text.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Add the necessary details and close the text pane to complete the SmartArt insertion.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The PowerPoint SmartArt formatting features have been grouped under two ribbons: Design and Format. The sections below discuss the features under each ribbon. To access these ribbons, you must select the SmartArt first.

SmartArt Design Features

We will now understand the various SmartArt design features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table describes the various SmartArt design features in PowerPoint.


Sub Features


Create Graphic

Add Shape

Adds another shape to the current SmartArt graphic; this also adds another bullet in the text pane.

Add Bullet

Adds another bullet in the text pane; this also adds another shape to the graphic.

Text Pane

Toggles text pane visibility.


Indents bullet to higher level in text pane - useful only in multi-level SmartArt.


Indents bullet to lower level in text pane - useful only in multi-level SmartArt.

Right to Left

Helps reverse the direction of the SmartArt flow.

Move Up

Moves the bullet up in the text pane or the shape to the left in the graphics.

Move Down

Moves the bullet down in the text pane or the shape to the right in the graphics.



Allows you to change the layout of SmartArt graphics to one from the list.

Smart Styles

Change Colors

Changes the color scheme for the SmartArt graphics.

SmartArt Styles

Allows you to change the SmartArt graphics styles to one of the predefined ones from the list with one click.


Reset Graphic

Removes all the customization done on the SmartArt graphic.


Converts SmartArt graphic to regular shapes or plain text.

SmartArt Format Features

We will now understand the various SmartArt format features in PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table describes the various SmartArt format features in PowerPoint.


Sub Features



Change Shape

Changes the selected shape in the SmartArt to one of those in the list.


Increases the size of the selected shape.


Decreases the size of the selected shape.

Shape Styles

Shape Fill

Offers different shades to be added to selected SmartArt graphics item. You can pick from solid shade, texture, image or gradient shading.


Offers different border options for selected SmartArt graphics item. You can edit the border color, thickness and style.


Offers the ability to add special effects to selected SmartArt graphics item.

Word Art Styles

Text Fill

Allows you to change the color of the text within the SmartArt.

Text Outline

Allows you to add an outline to the text within the SmartArt and change the outline color, weight and style.

Text Effects

Allows you to add special effects (like reflection, shadow etc.) to the text within the SmartArt.

Quick Styles

Contains a list of pre-defined Word Art styles that can be applied to the selected text within the SmartArt with a single click.


Bring Forward

Allows you to move the SmartArt up by one layer or right to the top.

Send Backward

Allows you to move the SmartArt down by one layer or right to the bottom of the slide.

Selection Pane

Toggles the Selection and Visibility sidebar.


Allows you to align the entire SmartArt with reference to the slide.


Allows you to group multiple SmartArt as one group object, or split a group object into individual SmartArt.



Allows you to adjust the SmartArt height.


Allows you to adjust the SmartArt width.

Add & Preview Animations Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint offers animation support which can be used effectively to add some motion in a monotonous presentation and make it more interesting. Animation can be applied to any object on the slide and the motions can the automated, timed or trigger.

The following steps will help you add and preview animations in the slide.

Step 1 − Go to the Animation ribbon and click on the Animation Pane to display the animation sidebar.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Select one of the objects in the slide and click on the Add Animation menu option.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Choose from one of the Animation options.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

·         Entrance will cause the object to appear in the screen.

·         Emphasis will cause the object to emphasis without appearing or leaving the screen.

·         Exit will cause the object to disappear from the screen.

Step 4 − Once you add the animation for an object, it will show up in the Animation pane.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − By default, all the animations are initiated by a click, but you can change this. To change the trigger, right-click on the animation object on the pane and choose an alternate trigger.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

·         Start On Click will cause the animation to start when you click the mouse.

·         Start With Previous will cause the animation to begin with the previous animation; if this is the first object, it will begin as soon as you reach the slide during the slide show.

·         Start After Previous will cause the animation to begin after the previous animation ends.

Step 6 − From the timing section, you can also manipulate the animation timings.

Step 7 − To preview the animation settings, just click Play on the animation pane.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Add & Preview Transitions in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint supports slide transition feature which allows you to specify how should the slides transition during the slide show.

Given below are the steps to add and preview slide transitions.

Step 1 − Select the slide to which you want to apply the transition.

Step 2 − Go to the Transition Scheme under the Transitions ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select one of the transition schemes from the list available. PowerPoint will instantly show you a preview of the scheme. If you are not satisfied, you can pick an alternate scheme. The last selected scheme will apply to the slide.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − You can change the effects on the selected transition scheme from the Effect Options menu. Every scheme has a unique set of effect options.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − You can also modify the transition timing settings from the Timing section.

Step 6 − To preview the slide transition, click on Preview.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


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