Dear Co-workers:
I wanted to let you all know that next [ ] will
be my last day in the office. After a great deal of contemplation, I have
decided to accept the offer made to me by [ ], and will be joining the team as
a head marketer. I would like to take this occasion to let each one of you know
that working with you kind folks and getting to know you, has been one of the
best experiences of my life. Together we have laughed, cried and became
close friends. I value each one of your friendships and your dedication to the
company we helped grow into the mega giant it is today.
As I contemplate leaving such a wonderful
company, I am overwhelmed with emotions. I have been so happy for the past [ ]
years working here, but a new position with a nice benefit package has lured me
to another path in life. I am sad that I will be leaving behind so many friends
that have taught me lessons, laughed with me and above all else, was the best
team I have ever worked with. I only hope that I find in my new place of
employment a fraction of the love, gratitude and friendship that I have found
The memories that I will take with me from this
place are something money cannot buy. Remember the three legged races at the
annual company picnics? I also will never forget the dunk tank and getting [ ] in
there at least [ ] times. The outings we shared made us more like a family than
co-workers, and because of that I will miss you one and all.
Thank you for making my job here a bit easier,
because you were all working beside me. I would love to stay in contact with
all of you. While my new job requires me to relocate, my new contact
information is below. I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you and
making new memories to share with you. I can be reached at,
Contact Details