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MS PowerPoint: Sharing Presentation


·         Sharing Presentation

·         PPT - Create a PDF File

·         PPT - Create a Video File

·         PPT - Create Image File

·         PPT - Printing Presentation

·         PPT - Broadcast Slide Show

·         PPT - Packaging Presentation

·         PPT - Setting Document Password

·         PPT - Email Slide Show

Create a PDF File in Powerpoint 2010

Although PowerPoint is used to create presentations, it supports various file types when it comes to saving the content. With a host of operating systems and Office versions available in the market, using a pdf file type can be a great way of ensuring everyone sees the same slides.

Given below are the steps to save a presentation as a pdf file.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on Save As to open the Save As dialog.

Step 3 − Select the file type as .pdf from the list of supported file types.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Add a proper name to the file and click Save.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − The .pdf file is created in the specified location.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Create a Video File in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint allows presentations to be saved as video files that can be posted on video sharing platform like YouTube or just played on any other media.

Given below are the steps to save a presentation as a video file.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on Save As to open the Save As dialog.

Step 3 − Select the file type as .wmv from the list of supported file types.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Add a proper name to the file and click Save.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − The video creation is not an instant process like other file types as PowerPoint needs to create the video file. You can track the progress of video creation at the bottom of your presentation window.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − Once the creation is complete, the video file is created in the specified location.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Create Image File in Powerpoint 2010

Among the many file types that PowerPoint supports are a set of extensions for image files. The image file extensions supported by PowerPoint include JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif), TIFF (.tiff) and Bitmap (.bmp).

Given below are the steps to save a presentation as an image file.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Click on Save As to open the Save As dialog.

Step 3 − Select one of the image file types from the list of supported file types.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Add a proper name to the file and click Save.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Microsoft PowerPoint dialog will pop up asking if you need just the selected slide or the entire presentation, make your selection.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The respective image file is created in the specified location.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

If you selected a single image, the image file is created at the specified location. If you selected entire presentation, then PowerPoint will create a folder with same name as the presentation file at the specified location. Every slide in the presentation will be converted into individual image files and stored under this folder.

Printing Presentation in Powerpoint 2010

It is sometimes necessary that you share your slides with your audience in printed format before you begin presenting them so they can take notes. There are other times when you want to give your audience handouts with additional notes.

To print slides, you must go to the Backstage view under the File tab and click on the Print menu.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The following table describes the various printing options available in PowerPoint.

Main Settings



Printing Slides

Print All Slides

Prints all the slides in the presentation.

Print Selection

Prints just the selected objects.

Print Current Slide

Prints just the selected slide.

Custom Range

Defines the slides you want printed.


This is same as the Custom Range.

Print Layout

Full Page Slides

One slide per page.

Notes Page

Slide and notes for every slide printed one below another - one slide per page.


Print Slide outline.


Prints 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 or 9 slides per page - aligned vertically or horizontally. When you print handouts with 3 slides, you get the slide and the notes printed next to each other.


Collating Options

Prints slides in sequence or prints multiple copies of each slide one after another.

Printing Color


Selects color, greyscale or black & white printing options. Although you can select any color settings, the output will depend on the kind of printer you use. A non-color printer cannot print color slides.

Broadcast Slide Show in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint 2010 offers users to broadcast their presentations on the internet to worldwide audience. Microsoft offers the free broadcast Slide Show service; all you need to do is share the link with your audience and they can watch the presentation from anywhere. There is no special setup or charges required to do this; all you need is a Windows Live account.

Given below are the steps to broadcast your presentation.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Step 2 − Click on Save & Send, select Broadcast Slide Show option and click on Broadcast Slide Show button.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − In the Broadcast Slide Show dialog, click on Start Broadcast.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Log on to your Windows Live account in the login dialog.

Step 5 − Once the login is successful, PowerPoint will prepare the presentation for broadcast.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − PowerPoint will provide the broadcast service link which you can share with your audience. If you are not using Outlook service, click on "Copy Link" to paste the link in your emails. If you are using Microsoft Outlook service, click on "Send in Email" and list the names of your audience.

Step 7 − Click on Start Slideshow to begin the presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 8 − When you are done, you can click on the End Broadcast to stop the online presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Packaging Presentation in Powerpoint 2010

Certain presentations are better suited for distribution as a CD to audience. In such cases, you can create a CD packaging which can be burned into a CD and distributed.

Given below are the steps to package your presentation for CD.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Step 2 − Click on Save & Send, select Package Presentation for CD option and click on Package for CD button.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − On the Package for CD dialog, select the package or CD name. Use the file management options of Add and Remove to add or remove more files to the package.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Use the Add Files to add files to the package. The default file type filter is set to presentations and shows, but you can change it to search any file type.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Once you have all the files ready for the package, click on "Copy to Folder" or "Copy to CD" and follow the steps to create the final package.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Setting Document Password in Powerpoint 2010

Sometimes it is important to protect the presentation and ensure unauthorized audience does not get to view the slides. PowerPoint offers users the ability to protect the presentations.

Given below are the steps to password protect the presentation

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Step 2 − On the Info section, click on the Permissions dropdown.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select "Encrypt with Password" to enable password protection.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Enter the password in the Encrypt Document dialog.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 5 − Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password dialog.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 6 − Your presentation is now password protected.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 7 − Readers will now have to enter the password in the Password dialog to open the file.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 8 − To unprotect the file, follow the steps up to Step 3 and delete the password in the Encrypt Document dialog.

Email Slide Show in Powerpoint 2010

PowerPoint allows users to share the presentation as an email attachment too. Although you can attach the presentation from outside the program, the ability to send the emails directly from PowerPoint is quite convenient; this is because you need not leave the PowerPoint program to send the email.

Given below are the steps to send an email from PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Go to the Backstage view under the File tab.

Step 2 − Click on Save & Send, select Send Using E-mail option and click on Send as Attachment button.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − This launches the Outlook Send Email window with the presentation added as attachment. You can add the emails of recipients and send the email.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Instead of "Send as Attachment" you select "Send as PDF", you will get a pdf attachment instead of a .pptx attachment.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


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