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Salary Increment Application 39


Dear (name),

I would like to arrange a meeting with you to be able to sit down and review my current salary. I thought this would be an appropriate moment to discuss an increase following the recent closure on the (name/explanation) deal that I spearheaded and successfully managed to secure for us for the next [ ] months.

I have now been with the company for [ ] with no review of salary since my start date, which I am somewhat disappointed with as I we had agreed to review my salary after the initial [ ] months.

 I very much enjoy working at (name of company), I feel challenged as I had hoped I would before joining the team, my position has provided me with new responsibilities I enjoy the variety of the job and the daily responsibilities which are constantly adapting to our needs. I hope to be able to grow at (name of company) and continue being a positive addition to the team.

I was hired for my (list personal skills) and I believe that I have proven my competence and dedication over the last [ ]

 I have been made to feel that you are satisfied with me performance, work ethics, drive and positive changes I have brought to the company which leads me to hope that my request will be well considered and accepted.


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