Request for Increment in Salary.
In the
event recent inflation of the market, I am writing this letter to ask for a
review of my current salary formally. As a Sales Manager for [ ] years at the [
] Company, I have always been ready and dutiful when asked to take on
additional work and new responsibilities. It is my belief that a review of my
track record in the company, along with my recent achievements and industry
average salary, will demonstrate the justification for an increase of a minimum
of [ ]% in my annual pay.
My role
has evolved a lot since I started working for the [ ] Company. Along with my
usual duties, I now also work on staff management and project management. A [ ]%
raise in my annual salary would put my compensation in line with industry and
regional expectations for the work along with helping me cope with the rising
price of everyday goods.
you for your attention on this matter. I am willing to work with you to
accommodate my request along with what is best for the company. I am fully open
to negotiation if you have another amount in mind or a plan to increase my
salary in the future.