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Farewell - 03







Message Subject


It’s with a [heavy heart, gentle sad face, knowing glance] that I must share with you my decision to leave [insert name of company]. This was [obviously, clearly, apparently] a very difficult decision to make.

It’s hard to believe that [insert how long you worked there] ago, I was the [insert your first position at the company]. From that time, until when I was [insert next position], and all the way to my current role as [insert current position], I have grown so much. Thank you for teaching and inspiring me, and allowing me to do the same for you.

I am headed off to explore my next chapter [insert vague but exciting thing you’ll be doing.]

I’m excited about my future there while I continue to be excited about all the things you’ll continue to accomplish here (except for you [insert name of person everyone makes fun of]), you never finish anything!

If I could leave you all with just one thought, remember [insert sage advice].

If you ever want to get in touch, my contact info is below. This isn’t goodbye, our paths will cross again. Hopefully at farewell happy hour drinks at 5!

[your name]

[contact info]

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