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Promotion Letter- 03




Dear [Name]:

Congratulations on your promotion to the [Position] for [Section/Unit] with the Oregon Department of Corrections. Your promotion date is effective [Date], and your salary is [$  ] per month. This is Step [  ] of Salary Range [  ]. (Or) Your salary is between Steps [  ] and [  ] and will remain off-step until your next salary eligibility date.  (Or) (List other circumstances affecting the salary.)

Please report to [Supervisor] at [Location] on [date] at [time].  (If the employee is new to your agency) You must bring your identification card (i.e. driver’s license) and other necessary documentation to complete an Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9).  The attached list contains acceptable documents for I-9 verification.  Please note: your I-9 must be completed by the third day of your employment.  Failure to complete the I-9 by the third day will result in leave without pay (LWOP) until appropriate documentation is presented to complete this requirement.

You will serve a promotional trial service period of [  ] months.  (If applicable)  If you successfully complete promotional trial service, you will receive a one-step salary increase.)

Our agency accepted [  ] hours of your vacation leave. Your unused Personal Business Leave and Sick Leave will transfer in full. (If applicable.)

Thank you for accepting this position.  The skills and talent you bring to this position will greatly assist this administration in achieving its goals.



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